Hej begynder! Denne er til dig! Snitbar på bare et par timer er vores Himba Snood et fladt strikningsprojekt, perfekt til de kolde vinterdage. Tro os, din hals vil takke dig for det!
Kugler: x1 (Wool)
Nåle (valgfrit)
Trin-for-trin opskriftinstruktioner for alle størrelser i Engelsk, Español, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Polski
En broderi-etiket
This project is worked in The Wool. Wool is a very resistant, naturally elastic and pure yarn that softens and adapts to you over time. Also, wool is naturally safe and does not promote the growth of bacteria. Perfect for timeless knitwear, our Wool is easy to knit, thicker than average (200gr) and there's a wide and beautiful range of colors waiting for you.}

As seen on the #weareknitters community
A lot of knitters already made it, you can too!